Jasi Masters

Christoph Bartneck

Our Sunday morning program in the sun. This was the first program of the season. The target duration was 60 minutes. The coach was Matt Nash.

Warm up
400  Any Easy
4 × 100 Fins as
1  D FR 123
1  K FR
1  D FR FT
1  FR b5
First set
4 ×
150  FR @_2:30 Pads Pullbuoy
100 as
50 K Any
50  Any
4 ×
 Easy…Race Pace
150  FR @_2:30
100 as
50  Any
50 K Any
Second set
4 × ◔0:20
50  K IM Order
50  D IM Order Any
50  IM Order Race Pace
Swim down
200  Any Easy
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